Brasserie De Silly

Brasserie d’ Achouffe

Chouffe Houblon Dobbelen IPA Tripel

Ming L

Creamy and hoppy with grapefruit like bitterness on the finish. Can't go wrong with Chouffe. — 8 years ago

Brasserie Dupont

Foret Organic Saison Ale

A great, fresh saison. Lots of yeasty residue in the bottle which can be a fun treat for fermentation nerds. — 9 years ago

Tommy and Randy liked this

Brasserie Fantôme

Pissenlit Saison Farmhouse Ale

Deeeeeelightful — 9 years ago

Lauren Kirby
with Lauren
Lauren Kirby

Lauren Kirby

Really delicious! I thank I may drank my glass faster than you 😉

Brasserie St-Feuillien

Grand Cru Dry Hopping

T'as raison Stef, la grand cru est meilleure. Un soupçon artisanale, une belle couleur dorée, un bon goût fruité et une belle mousse abondante. Elle titre à 9.5, ça ne se sent pas trop sur le coup, mais finalement ça tape quand même — 9 years ago

Stef liked this

Brasserie de Rochefort

Trappistes Rochefort 8 Belgian Ale

Bière brune qui titre à 9.2. Mousse abondante, et petit arrière goût de caramel boisé. Pour moi, une de mes brunes favorites — 9 years ago

Brasserie Dieu Du Ciel

Péché Mortel Imperial Coffee Stout

Burnt caramel coffee flavored nectar. — 9 years ago

Jeffrey, Dave and 4 others liked this
Dave Harris

Dave Harris

Awesome beer!
Mircea Dincă

Mircea Dincă

And makes awesome floats ;)
Muralee Murugesu

Muralee Murugesu

You should trade mark it Mircea.

Brasserie Dubuisson Frères

Cuvee des Trolls Belgian Pale Ale

Fruttata, leggermente amarotica e non troppo intensa. — 11 years ago

Silly Goose


Great inexpensive wine! — 12 years ago

Brasserie Dieu Du Ciel

Herbe a Détourne new World Tripel with Citra Hops

Triple nouveau monde. Arômes de fruits tropicaux tel l'ananas et les agrumes. Amertume moyenne et notes d'alcool persistantes en arrière bouche. Saveurs d'agrumes très présentes en bouche. Excellent. — 8 years ago

Brasserie De Saint Sylvestre

3 Monts Classic Golden Ale

Très bonne bière à fermentation haute. Assez forte car elle titre à 9.5. Beaucoup de profondeur de goût — 9 years ago

Brasserie d'Orval

Orval Trappist Strong Ale

One of the world's great distinctive beers. Hoppy, herbal, crisp, caramel, everything in balance. — 9 years ago

Brasserie d'Achouffe

La Chouffe Ardens Blond Bier

Blonde dorée, la chouffe classique possède une bonne amertume et une mousse abondante. On relève un petit goût léger de noisette plutôt agréable — 9 years ago

Brasserie De Blaugies / Hill Farmstead

La Vermontoise Saison / Farmhouse Ale

First time I see anything from them in Boston.A decent Saison, with raisins and faint cloves overtones on top of hay and grass. I hope the rest of their stuff is significantly better — 9 years ago

Jeffrey Long

Jeffrey Long

Fucking maniac.

Brasserie St-Feuillien

St-Feullien Triple Belgian Abbey Ale

One of the best Belgian ales around — 10 years ago

BFM Brasserie des Franches-Montagnes

SQR RT225 Saison Ale Aged in Oak Barrels

Jon Bonné

Completely a Germany fan, but a brief moment of neutrality while drinking during the World Cup final. — 10 years ago

jesus, Jordan and 7 others liked this

Brasserie des Voirons

Lug Bière Blanche

Lyle Fass

Insane as usual. Had the blonde and one other. This is the red I think. — 10 years ago

Lyle Fass

Lyle Fass Influencer Badge Premium Badge

From Savoie
Dan Weisshaar

Dan Weisshaar

I confess ignorance. Is this a Belgian style or what?
Lyle Fass

Lyle Fass Influencer Badge Premium Badge

Not sure. Seems not that heavy.

Brasserie Dupont

La Bière de Beloeil

John Trinidad

DuPont is making this pre thanksgiving meal sing. — 12 years ago

Brasserie de Rochefort

Trappistes Rochefort 6 Belgian (Dubbel) Ale

Medium body, medium dark, medium malt, light yeast, light hop - perfect balance — 8 years ago

Brasserie Dupont

Moinette Blonde Ale

Excellente blonde dorée titrant à 8.5. Goût profond et très fruité — 9 years ago

Brasserie Lebbe

L'Amalthée Beer

Awesome! Especially with goat cheese and sopresata salami. — 9 years ago

Brasserie d'Achouffe

La Chouffe Belgian Golden Ale

Hit the spot after a long day — 9 years ago

Chris Harris
with Chris


Brasserie Artisanale

Light and fresh with white fruits, and at taste comes the peat! It's very light but you can feel it. — 9 years ago

Maxime's and Andrew liked this

Brasserie des Franches-Montagnes

Cuvée Alex Le Rouge Jurassian Imperial Stout

Holy mole! I have never really found an imperial stout that I loved until this little guy. It's sourish too and spicy and lighter bodied than I had expected. — 9 years ago

Brasserie Dieu Du Ciel

Moralité IPA

Nice American IPA citrus rind and grapefruit with some fruity afterwiffs — 10 years ago

Michel Leonard

Michel Leonard

Ma meilleure! Pour vrai!

Brasserie de la Senne

Taras Boulba Extra Hoppy Ale

Aroma is grassy and spicy, with some lightly toasted bread, citrus, coriander. Hops definitely showing and takes me back to the quiet, quaint town of Poperinge, around which most Belgian hops are grown. Mouthfeel light with medium+ carbonation. Finishes dry with a slightly bitter, grassy finish. Supremely easy to drink, especially on a hot day like this. — 10 years ago

Brasserie Lefebvre

Blanche De Bruxelles

Samuel Imel

Darn good beer — 11 years ago

Doug liked this
web bond

web bond Influencer Badge

I think you like label.