
Almond'22 Brewery

Torbata Ale

Ron R

Interesting mixture of flavors that compliment arguably the best pizza in the US!
#kestepizzeria NYC
β€” 8 years ago

David, Martin and 6 others liked this
Ron R

Ron R Influencer Badge Premium Badge

@David A Lentine you may have to come to NY and take part into the pizza throw-down! The smart money is on @Jody Scharf. I just like pulling his chain!
David L

David L Influencer Badge Premium Badge

Oh… I am so excited!!! Can't wait. @Jody Scharf @Ron R Let the pizza wars begin:) Can always have wine to fall back on!!!
Jody Scharf

Jody Scharf Premium Badge

And when you're a man named Jody. The chain gets pulled often. Albeit small