

Breakfast Stout Double Chocolate Coffee Oatmeal Stout

Black as electronic death. The head spills slowly to the surface from the darkness and at the same tempo, returns like a mammoth to its tar pit. The caramel brittle releases French roast coffee between the cracks and mocha follows. Campfire pecan shells and hazelnuts shine. Easy entry malts initially coat the palate with vanilla and dark sugar, but they are tempered by iron filings and burnt coffee, chicory, nutmeg and clove and bitter almond. There is a nasty streak to the vulcanized wall of bitter chocolate burnt to a crisp. Additional sipping helps, providing sweetness, but the streak persists like the bubbly burnt remains of a truck stop decanter. Almost tannic in nature. #founders #oatmeal #stout #breakfastofchampions #truckstopbabies #chocolatebeer #coffeemalt #chocolatefountain #mamadroveatruck — 7 years ago