Bodegas Aragonesas

Sólo Tiólico Moscatel de Alejandría

8.91 ratings
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Campo de Borja, Aragón, Spain
Moscatel de Alejandría
Top Notes For
Chris A

A wild ride for a very fruit forward and expressive Spanish white!! Wow!! Both hands on the wheel as this one is quite the trip! The citrus bite of a chard on ingress as you journey through a full mouth feel on the way out to a sharp finish - has a complexity I have not experienced before in a Spanish white. I’m impressed! As this is very expressive, give some thought with what you want to pair this with - I just had some sushi with this, and I can tell you it matches well with the lingering soy sauce remnants - no easy feat for any wine.

A wild ride for a very fruit forward and expressive Spanish white!! Wow!! Both hands on the wheel as this one is quite the trip! The citrus bite of a chard on ingress as you journey through a full mouth feel on the way out to a sharp finish - has a complexity I have not experienced before in a Spanish white. I’m impressed! As this is very expressive, give some thought with what you want to pair this with - I just had some sushi with this, and I can tell you it matches well with the lingering soy sauce remnants - no easy feat for any wine.

Dec 24th, 2019