
State Of Brewing

Italian Pilsner

Aldi advent calendar. Italian pilsner. Translucent with miniscule clouding. Off-white head with leaping penguin and dueling narwhale lacing. Allspice albeit lightly; tangerines and clementines. Sweet potato (baked), candied grapefruit and a hint of underripe pineapple. Clean,clean,clean beer! Hawaiian bread and brioche made a beer baby. Lemon and grapefruit bits clean it up. Refreshing and complex for a pilsner. Very enJOYable! Happy holidays all!

#aldibeer #aldiadventcalendar #pilsner #italianpilsner #italianstyle #pils #WIbeer #wisconsinbeer #stateofbrewing #stateofbrewing
— 5 months ago

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