David Gissen
Such a beautiful wine. In a great place with a few more years to mature.
Denis Roudenko
17/20 (92/100)
Max Coane
Elegant with time
Eric Hastings
Beverage and Bar Coordinator Jean-Georges NYC
Old vines 07...delicious
Anyone know the age ing potential of this? Have a lot of it and seems to have lots of structure but little fruit.
Vinny Eng
@gpaterlinisf and what?! Boom boom pow!
Christina Turley
Sales & Marketing Turley Wine Cellars
Der sigh.
Yoon Ha
Master Sommelier/Wine Director Benu
Just keeps getting better and better, shedding fat as it matures.
Gilles de Chambure
Master Sommelier & Educator
great gruner slte reben from a master brundelmayer
Very fine.