
Hartwell Vineyards

Miste Hill Cabernet Sauvignon 2005

Bernard Rethore

Number 3 tonight of 3. Started with the 2004 Alter Ego from Palmer, followed by the 2012 Realm Farella, and now this wine. The Palmer was good, the Hartwell better, but the Realm was best. This Hartwell at 10 years old has a tremendous amount of life in it. Enjoyed with a brownie made by Liam and supervised by MC. How can cab and brownies be bad. Hey Becca thanks for the shoutout on Delectable, and follow me push. I assume I'm your first wine friend too. — 9 years ago

Susan Rethore
with Susan
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Rebecca Rethore Schimmoeller

Rebecca Rethore Schimmoeller Influencer Badge

I always give you credit for getting me hooked! I give myself credit for taking the plunge #careerchange ;)