

Charles Heintz Vineyard Chardonnay 2012

Delectable Wine

Chardonnay master John Raytek with his magical progeny. — 10 years ago

Ceritas WinesWest Sonoma Coast VintnersJulia Weinberg
with Ceritas, West Sonoma and 2 others
Brian, Alex and 14 others liked this

Château Musar

Bekaa Valley Red Blend 2004

Now this is a really exceptional red. A bonus is that it comes from such an unusual place. On second thought perhaps not so unusual. It might just be the progeny of that batch that Jesus whipped up for the wedding party at Cana. I highly recommend it. — 10 years ago

Tom liked this
Tom Angell

Tom Angell

Here was my Delectable review from some nine months ago.