
Bodegas Ondarre

Mayor de Ondarre Reserva Rioja Tempranillo 2014

Suabia ahuan, barrika taninuak. Azidez erdibidekua. Gaztai fuertiakin, cabrales, eta enbutiduakin primeran. — 2 years ago

Cantine Duepalme

Serre Susumaniello 2019

Aroma: fruitu beltzak, barrika
Zaboria: redondo, suabia ahuan, azideza daka baina wz da presominantia. Barrilan taninuak asko igartzen dia. Ardo ekilibraua.
— 2 years ago


Basque Country Cider

Serious cider for serious drinkers... the combination between the apples and noble smoky wood made my day. Fermented to perfection. Dry, tart and smoky with a clean and refreshing finish. It taste like ancient wisdom got thirsty. Can’t get much better than this... IMPERATIVE!!! # To serve, we splash it into the glass, pouring from a very long distance so the cider aerates — if you let it linger too long in the glass, the aeration gets lost and the cider won’t be enjoyable to drink. — 6 years ago